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Upcoming Events


Throughout the year we will be scheduling free educational webinars on a variety of topics. Please read below for details on our upcoming webinars as well as how to register for them.

Chlorine Dioxide Gas vs Hydrogen Peroxide Vapor - August 6
Webinar Sign Up

This webinar details how chlorine dioxide gas compares against hydrogen peroxide vapor. Chemical differences and how they affect their efficacy, safety, and applicability will discussed.

This webinar begins at 1pm Eastern.

UV Light as Another Weapon Against Pathogens - August 6
Webinar Sign Up

A webinar for those who are interested in learning about UV light disinfection for contamination control. Learn about the recent advances in UV-C technology which have allowed it to provide effective, quick, and reliable disinfection compared to the systems of even 10 years ago. We will also discuss the properties, efficacy, safety, and use applications for ultraviolet light disinfection to illustrate where and how it can benefit your contamination control program.

This webinar begins at 2pm Eastern.

Medical Device Sterilization - August 8
Webinar Sign Up

This webinar discusses the sterilization of medical devices with chlorine dioxide gas. Topics to be covered include:

  • FDA approved Contract Sterilization facility using chlorine dioxide gas
  • EPA registered sterilant
  • Items can be packaged in Tyvek, display boxes, and cardboard shipper boxes
  • Chlorine dioxide gas has been shown to reduce endotoxins
  • Residuals are typically below detectable levels
  • Approved devices sterilized with chlorine dioxide currently being sold in US and EU

This webinar begins at 1pm Eastern.